Cross-laminated timber is a fantastic construction material and it offers great flexibility. But it comes with a problem: glue.
Glue is used to keep the wooden layers together... and glue is a chemical compound you might not want in your walls.

What if there was an alternative to CLT that is made 100% of natural wood?

It turns out there is... 

They say location, location, location.

While it is true, the location is essential for determining the value of a property, when you buy land for building your new home that's not the only metric you want to consider.

In this article, we'll go through 10 things to check before buying land... and I bet you didn't think of number 6.

Here at Katus, we spent the last 10 years dealing with energy-efficient houses.

When I personally started my journey into the prefab housing world, I had no idea how energy-efficiency could be achieved.
I remember clearly the frustration I felt when I wanted to know more but didn't know where to start from...

Today, when I search on the internet anything about energy-efficiency of a new home, I can find only partial information, information that is often regurgitated from different sources and superficial at best.

I can no longer stand this inefficiency (pun intended) and so I wrote this article that tells you everything you need to know to put your ducks in a row when it comes to the energy-efficiency of your new home... 

They say eco-friendly homes must be airtight.
You might be wondering how is it possible to live in a closed box, with no fresh air ever coming in.

That'd be a legit concern... if it really was true that no fresh air is ever coming in. But it isn't.
Eco-friendly houses have "lungs".

The ventilation system is the lungs of a modern home.

In this article, I explain the most important aspects of this system and I give you the information you need to start planning your own energy-efficient ventilation system.

Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a wood-based construction material that has become quite popular in the past 10 years.
CLT brings together some of the benefits of building with wood and some of the benefits of building with concrete.
This makes it quite unique and versatile.

In order to help you to decide whether to use CLT for your project or to go with a timber-frame construction, we prepared this ultimate FAQ...